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江门市金浠塑料有限公司 本公司生产、销售:塑料制品 塑料原材料、包装装潢及其他印刷品印刷:销售:机械电子设备、电子产品、电子元器件、LED光电产品、灯饰制品、文化用品、办公用品、体育用品、日用品、五金交电、劳保用品、家用电器、纸制品、木制品、橡胶制品、化工原料及产品(不含危险化学品)、金属制品及配件、音响设备、国内贸易、货物或技术进出口(国家禁止或涉及行政审批的货物和技术进出口除外)。

By |2023-05-17T09:02:11+00:00May 17th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Jinxi


What is the pigment? Pigments are powders that provide colors for materials such as paints, coatings and inks. Those are very important parts in them. They can be organic or inorganic and are often finely ground powders that are mixed with a medium to create a uniform color. What

By |2023-03-17T03:48:05+00:00March 17th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Dispersion
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